We all have so called “happy” people in our lives, but what are they doing differently from us? Or better yet- how are they thinking differently? I think happiness is not a destination, but state of mind. Interested to see if you agree after reading this article: Happiness. It’s the term thrown around more often…
Why You Should Never Eat Tilapia
Tilapia is a popular fish selection for many reasons, primarily it’s pretty cheap and doesn’t seem to have that fishy taste so many people despise. But are there serious reasons it should be avoided beneath the white tasteless flesh? Sure their are… Tilapia has become the ubiquitous fish in America today. It’s cheap, not “fishy”…
God Does Not Support Vaccines
Very interested to hear what the Christian readers think of this article! Christians, we need to talk. If you are not a Christian, this post is not for you. I still love you. I still accept you. I don’t know what you believe and I’m not trying to convince you to believe otherwise. People who…
Giving Birth Later in Life Is a Sign of Longevity
While many women fear giving birth later on in life, the ability to do so can be a sign of longevity! An encouraging study shows women who give birth naturally (without IVF) are likely to be aging slowly! Don’t miss this article to learn more about what this can tell you about your own health…
Scientists Blow The Lid on Cancer & Sunscreen Myth
Sunscreen is a STAPLE for many millions around the world, but is it actually doing MORE harm than good? Are there things you should be doing other than applying sun screen? For instance, a variety of factors can prevent sunburn, particularly improving the diet, getting rid of polyunsaturated fats, increasing the amount of fat soluble…
Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend
Everyone hears from one time to another how stress is bad for your health, but is that REALLY true? Or is it more how you view stress? Learn more about how to make stress your FRIEND and not your ENEMY! I hope this video opened your eyes a little bit about stress, and how we…
Have American Parents Got It All Backwards?
A growing trend in the American parent style seems to be that of the “helicopter parent.” You know, the parent that is always hovering, overzealously protecting, and always swooping in to save the day so a child is never allowed to experience pain, discomfort or failure. But can protective parenting behaviors hinder children more than they…
The Scary Reason Illinois Just Banned Your Face Wash
Remember the commercials that say “smooth, round, micro-scrubbers?” If so, you’ve heard microbeads marketed and are familiar with some of the high end face wash products they are in. But why are they a threat and being banned in Illinois? I’m so excited that lawmakers are finally making changes to the products being sold and…
The ‘Dr. Oz Effect’: Senators Scold Mehmet Oz For Diet Scams
Dr. Oz is a trusted household name for nutrition and health advice, but some think he’s abusing his privilege and influence by promoting scammy diet trends that are unrealistic and don’t work. Is he really promoting questionable products or just chasing nutrition trends? You be the judge… “Dr. Mehmet Oz, a celebrity doctor who frequently…
Easy, Natural Tick Repellent That Really Works
If you don’t know what a tick is, consider yourself lucky! Ticks are considered external parasites, meaning they live off of the blood of animals. According to Wiki, “Ticks are vectors of a number of diseases, including Lyme disease, Q fever (rare; more commonly transmitted by infected excreta),[4] Colorado tick fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever,African tick…