I’m a sugar lover, not a hater, so 2015– the year of the anti-sugar craze hurt my feelings a little bit. From magazine pages to grocery store shelves to Facebook memes, it’s posh to avoid anything made with the sweet stuff– but is their good reason behind it?
I stumbled upon this article today, and I hope you love it as much as I do!
Google the phrase “sugar is” and five suggestions pop up:
Sugar is poison
Sugar is bad
Sugar is a drug
Sugar is toxic
Sugar is killing us
It seems to me that sugar is this year’s dietary boogeyman. True, the die-hard anti-gluteneers and a dwindling faction of low-fat zealots are still out there. But, diet fads come in cycles, and all the cool kids are back on the sugar-free bandwagon. Those of us who’ve spent a lifetime in the diet cycle understand the pull of ingredient-panic, and the virtuous thrill of being able to say, “Oh, I don’t eat that anymore. I mean, don’t you know it’s poison?”