Are you one of the millions that still use non-stick pans like Teflon in your kitchen? If so, make sure you’re an informed user about the toxic surface that heats the food you eat and feed your family… According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), there are serious dangers with non-stick cookware, particularly Teflon, “When you…
Can This Unicorn Change the Way You Poop?
Can this unicorn change the way you poop and make you laugh at the same time? Y-E-S! According to Squatty Potty, “The alignment of the anorectal angle associated with squatting permits smooth bowel elimination. This prevents excessive straining with the potential for resultant damage to the recto-anal region and, possibly, to the colon and other…
The Dangerous Reason Why You Don’t Want To Quit Sugar (I wish I knew this YEARS ago)!
Ditching sugar is one of the most popular health trends as of late, but does it have a secret cost that slowly catches up with you? My sources say yes… Quitting Sugar Is a Downward Spiral Quitting sugar usually starts out as just ditching the “white stuff,” but often that’s just a gateway toward more…
Why I Stopped Taking Birth Control Pills
Do you feel like you have been scammed by the birth control pill? I sure do. Thinking back to my teens, I can’t really remember going to the doctor and not hearing that the birth control pill was the answer to my problems. It was so routine: make an appointment, tell the doctor “symptoms” of hormonal…
Anxiety, Depression and MTHFR Genetic Defect
By The Evergreen Center for Integrated Medicine What is MTHFR? Methyl-tetra-hydro-folate reductase (MTHFR) is an enzyme that adds a methyl-group (CH3)to a form of folate to create methyl-tetra-hydrofolate (MTHF). This process is called methylation. It is essential to many functions in the body, as it allows MTHF to become a major methyl group donor to other nutrients, and…
BREAKING: Exposed, why holistic doctors are dying in Florida. What you NEED to know NOW!
BREAKING NEWS. After 7 holistic doctors have died and 5 are still missing over the last several weeks, it’s finally time for some answers… The alternative doctors in question were all studying and part of a huge discovery about Nagalase and its effect on GcMAF in the body. What is GcMAF? According to FIRSTiMMUNE, “GcMAF is an essential…
Nutrition Strategies for a Stronger Sex Drive
By Catherine of Trouble in the bedroom? Your diet may be to blame. According to a 2011 study analyzing the role of sexual satisfaction in marriages, “The role of sexual satisfaction has been highlighted as a metaphorical barometer of relationship satisfaction, indicating that sexual satisfaction is vital in an intimate relationship, possibly even a “make…
Healthy People All Have One Thing In Common: They NEVER do this!
Healthy people NEVER outsource their health to someone else. Putting your health entirely in someone else’s hands is a slippery and dangerous slope; whether that is your doctor, specialist, naturopath, chiropractor, or other modality. They don’t KNOW you like you KNOW you. You are your own best advocate, and no one will ever care about your wellness…
These People All Lived To Be Over 110 Years Old. Here Are Their Longevity Secrets!
It takes a special kind of person to live over 110 years of age. Learn 7 secrets to longevity from supercentenarians: 1) Raw Eggs with a Side of Singleism 115 year old Emma Morano swears her longevity secret is raw eggs and singleism. Ever since she was a teen and her doctor recommended she eat…
13 Weight Loss Tricks That NO-ONE Talks About, But Your Grandmother Would Approve Of
These weight loss tricks are things rarely talked about, but even your grandmother would approve of them… 1) Banish the word diet from your vocabulary now and never speak of it again. Just doing this one thing can help you lose weight by not torturing your body with starvation, crappy processed diet foods, fasting, and…